Just as The Branch acted to meet the needs of the community throughout the pandemic, we are now responding to the new need as the first Ukrainian guests arrive in the area.
There is a need to both give practical support to guests and hosts, as well as provide a welcoming place for individuals and families to feel safe and to feel part of life here in England. We hope they will find this at our Connect Cafe,
where they can not only enjoy coffee and cake and meet people, but we have two volunteers who speak Russian and will be able to help Ukrainians with all the forms that have to be completed, as well as school applications and signposting to other services.
There is a craft area and games, so lots of opportunity to start to feel part of the community and to learn English - and for us to learn some Ukrainian and more about their country and traditions.
As the needs emerge, we are ready to respond - whether that is setting up a toy library or offering support around language lessons, so watch this space to see how you might be able to help.
If you would like to support the work of the The Branch, practically or financially - from baking cakes to providing the funds for a bus ticket for a Ukrainian family to access services - then please do get in touch at campaign@thebranchtrust.org