Transforming lives
* Referral Only
What is Connect Café?
A safe, welcoming café, where there is an opportunity to craft, knit, crochet, play games, chat or just sit quietly and enjoy a magazine with a cuppa and a piece of cake.
There is also a 'help desk' offering assistance with form filling, benefits and signposting to further support as well as accessing our Branch Out & Budget packs. There are regular opportunities to talk to the Citizen's Advice drop in and currently we also offer support to Ukrainian hosts and guests, partnering with Asylum Welcome and a local translator.
Drop in, no referral needed, all ages welcome, free.
Where is Connect Café?
The Branch, 16 Market Place, Chipping Norton, OX7 5NA
When is Connect Café?
Tuesday afternoon from 1pm – 2:30pm (term time only)
For more information
Please contact
What is Young Parent Group?
If you are a young parent or pregnant, under 21, we would love to see you at our weekly club.
When is Young Parent Group?
Thursday afternoon from 12.30pm – 2:30pm (term time only)
Where is Young Parent Group?
The Branch, 16 Market Place, Chipping Norton, OX7 5NA
Drop in, no referral needed,free.
For more information:
Please contact
What is a Branch Out & Budget pack?
Branch Out and Budget packs are part of our response to the Energy Crisis. Each pack is designed to inspire and empower families and individuals to engage with the Energy Crisis in a positive way, rather than worrying or burying their head in the sand.
What's inside?
Where do I get it?
The pack is available through the team, or at either our Connect Café or St Mary’s Primary School Drop-In.
Drop in, no referral needed, it’s free.
For more information
please contact Emma Kennedy
What is Minis Toddler Group?
St Mary’s Minis is a baby and toddler group, run in collaboration with The Branch, with an average of 20 families that attend each week for stories, songs and a space to play.
Hot drinks, cereal and croissants are available whilst the children explore the range of toys, crafts and sensory activities. Parents and carers are responsible for their children at all times. Snacks and drinks for both adults and children continue to be served throughout the morning.
We register all children that attend the group, but no pre-booking is required. There is no charge for Minis.
Drop in, no referral needed, free.
Where is Minis Toddler Group?
The Branch, 16 Market Place, Chipping Norton, OX7 5NA.
When is Minis Toddler Group?
Wednesday morning from 9.15am-11.30am (term time only).
For more information
please contact Sally Smith:
What is Remix?
Remix is an open youth club run by St Mary’s Church in collaboration with The Branch. It is completely free to attend but there is a tuck shop inside where young people can purchase drinks, snacks and sweets – with a free option of toast and squash also available so everyone can access food and drink.
We occasionally run social activities outside of normal ‘Remix’ hours, often things like hikes during the holidays, as well as bringing in outside organisations to run some fun activities for us during the session. So far this academic year, we have had artists come in to do painting and card making, we’ve had a body music workshop run by a member of the band ‘Stomp’ and we’ve had a local activity organisation bring in a climbing wall and archery for the young people to enjoy. This, alongside working with local businesses and the resources we have on site (pool table, board games, sports equipment, crafts and more), leads to an exciting place for young people to hang out and unwind after a long school week.
In the 2022/23 school year, Remix has seen just over 200 young people come through the doors, averaging 30+ young people most weeks.
When is Remix?
It runs during term dates on a Friday afternoon from 3:15-4:45pm.
Who is Remix for?
Open to school years 7-11. The majority that attend are from Chipping Norton Secondary School, but everyone is welcome.
Where is Remix?
Glyme Hall, Burford Rd, Chipping Norton,
OX7 5DZ.
For more information
please contact:
What is Out to Lunch?
This monthly event, run by St.Mary’s Church, is aimed at providing community for those who might feel lonely or isolated. A delicious lunch is offered in good company and a pleasant atmosphere. On occasion visiting speakers come along to share topics of interest, or speak on subjects that may help visitors in their daily lives.
When is Out to Lunch?
1 to 3.30pm on the 1st Friday of every month.
Where is Out to Lunch?
The Parish Rooms, by St.Mary’s Church.
Free, no referral needed.
For More Information
or to receive an invitation please contact
What is Come to Tea?
This monthly event, run by St.Mary’s Church, is aimed at providing community for those how might feel lonely or isolated. A delicious tea is offered in good company and a pleasant atmosphere. On occasion visiting speakers come along to share topics of interest, or speak on subjects that may help visitors in their daily lives eg: Age UK
When is Come to Tea?
3 to 4.30pm on the 2nd Friday of every month.
Where is Come to Tea?
The Parish Rooms, by St.Mary’s Church.
Free, no referral needed
For More Information
or to receive an invitation please contact
What is CAP Life Skills?
The eight-week informal course, run by St Mary’s Church and the Community Church in collaboration with The Branch, covers budgeting, managing home energy, wellbeing and healthy relationships.
To date we have helped 55 families through this programme with excellent feedback in how it provides real, practical support and solutions.
When is CAP Life Skills?
We run two or three courses a year.
Where is CAP Life Skills?
The Branch, 16 Market Place, Chipping Norton, OX7 5NA.
For more information
please contact
What is CAP Debt Centre?
CAP Debt Centre walks alongside clients as they journey through the best route out of debt.
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a charity with over 25 years experience of providing free debt help across the UK. In 2021, 13,907 people were supported by CAP debt help across the UK.
Since opening in 2015, the Debt Centre in Chipping Norton, run by St Mary’s Church and the Community Church in collaboration with The Branch, has supported over 60 clients to become debt free.
How do I make an appointment?
To make a referral or an appointment please call CAP Head Office (see information below), or contact Sandra Coleman for local Enquiries (see below).
If you would like more information, please drop into Connect Café (see details above) and ask at the Help Desk.
For more information
about CAP Debt Centre and
Local enquiries please email Sandra Coleman:
For more information
please visit:
or call CAP Head Office on 0800 328 0006
What is a Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Group?
Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Groups are run by St Mary’s Church in collaboration with The Branch. They provide a safe and supportive space where group members can learn and share tools and techniques to manage their mental and emotional wellbeing in a peer mentoring style environment.
Each 10-12 week programme covers a variety of areas including anxiety, loss, healthy relationships and resilience.
The Parish Rooms, Church Street, OX7 5NT.
Two or three courses a year.
For more information
please contact
What is Branch Out & Cook?
Based around healthy eating, budgeting and learning life skills, as well as widening opportunities and linking careers with education, this weekly course is delivered to young people who are struggling to engage with full time education.
Scheduled on a Monday and Tuesday mornings, to incentivise school attendance, this six-week cookery course is led by a professional, local chef. In six fast paced sessions, two young people learn how to prepare vegetables and make soup, through to preparing a chicken and making three different dishes – with cakes, cookies, fish and five ways to cook with eggs along the way. They can taste food as they go along, take meals home to share with their families and return to school more regulated, ready and motivated to learn.
When is Branch Out & Cook?
The course runs on a Monday and Tuesday morning.
Where does Branch Out & Cook take place?
Branch Out & Cook takes place in the Community Kitchen in The Branch.
How to be referred?
Referrals come through Chipping Norton Secondary School.
The Branch includes the first Community Kitchen in Oxfordshire alongside a community hall with 10 cookery work stations allowing us to expand this work.
For more information
please contact Emma Kennedy
What are Nurture sessions?
Therapeutic nurture sessions for a child or sibling group and support worker.
Sessions draw on the PEEP Learning Together Programme and Watch Wait & Wonder with attachment theory at the core and are based around creative activities, cooking, gardening and play.
These trauma-informed sessions offer a safe space for the child/ children to process emotions and experiences, and build resilience, coping mechanisms and self-esteem.
When do Nurture sessions happen?
Wednesdays after school
Where do Nurture sessions take place?
The Branch, 16 Market Place, Chipping Norton, OX7 5NA
Referral only: Referrals come from schools, LCSS and social care.
For more information:
Please contact Catherine Spring:
St. Mary’s Primary School.
What is Nurture Gardening?
Through growing food and flowers from seed, as well as other nature-based activities, Nurture Gardening aims to strengthen connections with others and the natural world, and build a positive sense of achievement for the children.
Weekly group sessions on Friday afternoons.
Each term a group of 6 children, who are referred in by teachers, parents and social care, attend the weekly sessions.
For more information
please contact Catherine Spring:
What is Family Fireside?
A safe space for families to spend facilitated, focussed time together growing skills to build a stronger and more resilient family unit.
These trauma-informed sessions draw on the PEEP Learning Together Programme with attachment theory at the core and are based around creative activities, cooking, gardening and play.
When does Family Fireside happen?
After school on Thursdays in termtime.
Where does Family Fireside take place?
The Branch, 16 Market Place, Chipping Norton, OX7 5NA
Referral only: Referrals come from schools, LCSS and social care.
For more information:
Please contact Catherine Spring:
What is Full Circle?
Full Circle is an intergenerational initiative which beautifully demonstrates just how valuable building relationships and connections is. The weekly sessions involve four older members of the community (in their 80s and 90s), six children, and two volunteers meeting together to eat lunch, chat and do a shared creative activity.
For the children, it is a chance to feel valued, show kindness and patience, and learn about days gone by.
For the adults, it is a chance to get out and have company, feel a sense of purpose and be vitalised by young imaginations.
Activities range from creating and flying paper planes to pompom making and board games. The relationships that form over the ten weeks that the groups meet are precious and reflected on well beyond the Nurture Room walls.
Weekly group sessions on Monday lunchtime.
Each term a group of 6 children, who are referred in by teachers, parents and social care, attend the weekly sessions.
For more information
please contact Catherine Spring:
What is Parent Drop-In?
This weekly session held during term time at St. Mary’s Primary School is an opportunity for parents and carers to come and talk through any particular concerns they have with the aim of being signposted to the appropriate support.
Support topics covered include, but are not limited to: debt, benefits, practical needs, education and employment aspirations.
When is Parent Drop-In?
8.30 – 10am on Mondays (term time only).
Where is Parent Drop-In?
St. Mary’s Primary School. Call in at Reception and they will tell you where to come for a warm welcome and cup of coffee.
For an appointment, please contact
St. Marys Primary School: 01608 642673
For more information
or to book an appointment drop-in, please contact Emma Kennedy:
What is Own My Life?
Own My Life is a 12-week in-person course which aims to help women who have been subjected to abuse to regain ownership of their lives. The group sessions give women the skills to understand abuse, make sense of their lives and move forward with hope and positivity.
These sessions are then followed by six weeks of peer support sessions facilitated by a practitioner, but shaped and led by the women who choose to be involved.
A focus on creativity is an important part of the innovative approach of Own My Life and the intention is that the women go on to discover their newly-formed identity and pursue the goals and aspirations that have been restricted or halted by abuse whatever they look like.
When is Own My Life?
The course is run twice a year but referrals can be taken all year round.
Where is Own My Life?
This course takes place in Chipping Norton. For more details, please contact Catherine Spring (see below).
For more information
please contact Catherine Spring:
The Branch Trust, in partnership with St Mary’s Church, manages donations and the redistribution of furniture, whitegoods and household items to those that need them, including those coming out of a period of homelessness or fleeing domestic abuse.
We can work with the referrer and the client to make their home a comfortable, inviting and safe place to help them thrive. Each month we partner with a local company to collect and deliver items to where they are needed.
How do I donate furniture?
To donate furniture please visit this page on our website or email details, measurements, and a photo to:
How do I get a referral?
Referrals come through housing officers, local schools and other organisations.
What is the School Mentoring Programme?
The School Mentoring Programme was officially established in January 2021 as part of the youth outreach activities for St Mary’s Church, through The Branch. It built upon an existing arrangement the school had with a local youth mentor, but when the school could no longer fund the programme, we developed this into a more official mentoring programme.
So far, 31 young people have been referred into the programme. Some only required a short-term intervention while others have had much longer-term investment. One young person has been part of the programme for over two years. This involvement has occasionally led to the mentor working closely with the young person’s family and social workers as we seek to support holistically.
How do referrals work for the School Mentoring Programme?
The school will refer young people into the programme for a variety of reasons such as: poor attendance, mental health and wellbeing issues, problems at home, gender identity difficulties, anger issues, and anything else that may come up.
What does a Mentoring Programme session look like and where does it take place?
The sessions themselves vary, but are always done in a public or open environment, and can include walking into town to get some food and a milkshake, heading to the youth club to play pool, PlayStation, board games etc.
When does the Mentoring Programme take place?
The mentor is added as part of that young person’s school timetable, meaning they’re able to miss a lesson during the school day to see their mentor.
For more information
and how to refer please email:
Cafe-style Reception
Comfortable, relaxed, warm and inviting.
Community Kitchen
Cooking courses – high nutrition on a low budget.
Small Meeting Rooms
for 1:1 meetings.
Large Meeting Rooms
for courses with flexible seating and projection facilities.
For Internet access
Therapeutic Garden
Space for communal barbecues and meetings.
Workspaces to Rent
for small businesses and sole traders.
Recording / Music Studio
for young people to discover new skills.
If you would be interested in hiring any of the facilities (above) please click here