We’re excited to be launching a music project at our Youth Club, with an initiative we can extend when we open The Branch Music Recording Studio
We have found that music is a brilliant way of engaging with young people. Not only learning practical and technical skills, but also improving self confidence and esteem. We partner with a fantastic local charity called Community Albums t
o deliver the 12 week course - some will learn DJ-ing skills, others rap or instrumental skills and others can discover the world of digital production.
We know that this work has impact - from increased engagement at school, raised aspirations, i ncreased self-esteem and motivation . Last time we ran the project one young person went on to set up a radio station and another went to college to study musical production.
We believe that empowering and encouraging young people through the process of making music can unlock potential and transform lives, and we are excited that this brings us one step closer to making the recording studio in The Branch a reality .