We are seeing a radical rise in demand on our services. This is a snapshot of the last 7 days (all in addition to our regular Wellbeing, CAP Life Skills, DA recovery courses and youth group) - a constant reminder WHY The Branch is needed:
Wigwam filled up and delivered a truck of furniture to 2 families
A working party from Kingham Hill School volunteered on 3 social action projects, clearing two gardens and decorating a house
10 Ukrainians visitors attended language lessons to improve their English
Final stages of creating a film to amplify the voices of women in our community who have suffered Domestic Abuse
20 children from Chipping Norton School were mentored or joined our “Branch Out and Cook" or music courses
Received referrals for 15 children’s school uniforms so they will arrive feeling proud and with shiny shoes on their first day of school
Advocated for 3 homeless families
Ensured one Domestic Abuse victim has the correct representation in Court
Celebrated that 9 families have become debt free this year
Partnered with other charities and statutory services to ensure support is in place for the summer holidays and can be easily accessed.
Another Connect Café full of welcome, advice, craft, coffee and cake - bursting at the seams
A text of thanks from a mum…”t hank you for your help …I was at my wits end, but because of your help I have been able to wash our clothes and cook a meal".